Mining activities for semi precious stones on Mining Claim No. 74840, 74841 and 74843 in the Arandis Constituency, Erongo Region, Namibia

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Description of the location:

Arandis Constituency , Erongo Region

Mining of Semi-precious Stones
Main category:
Additional categories:
Risk rating:
B (Medium)
EIA underway

Proponent name:
Tjiuee Kaevatere Kaura
Proponent website:

EAP company:
EAP contact person:
Tjiuee Kaevatere Kaura
EAP email address:
EAP phone number:
(+264)81 66 22 549
EAP EAPAN* membership status on the date of advertisement:

*EAPAN = Environmental Assessment Professionals Association of Namibia. See the EAPAN website for more info, and a list of EAPAN members.

Date advertised:
Deadline for IAP inputs:
Publications where advertised: