Application for the renewal of an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the construction of the public roads as part of the subdivision of Erven 2167, 2168 and 2169, Extension 6, Henties Bay within the Erongo Region

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Description of the location:

Extension 6, Henties Bay, Erongo Region

Road construction
Main category:
Urban infrastructure
Additional categories:
Risk rating:
C (Low)
ECC issued

Proponent name:
Louw Investments Twenty Six Close Corporation
Proponent website:

EAP company:
Urban Green Environmental Management Consultants
EAP contact person:
Brandy van Zyl
EAP email address:
EAP phone number:
EAP EAPAN* membership status on the date of advertisement:

*EAPAN = Environmental Assessment Professionals Association of Namibia. See the EAPAN website for more info, and a list of EAPAN members.

Date advertised:
Deadline for IAP inputs:
Publications where advertised: